Monday, February 4, 2008

Listening to: MC Frontalot - Charity Case
via FoxyTunes

As far as Mark & Johnny's post, I completely agree.

For Ellen and Camila, I had not though of the veil concept or its connection to rain. +5

I think that we all came up with similar ideas because the themes are so overt.

The thing I'm curious about is if the people never had death before, do they now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. You all are so perceptive and thoughful in your analysis, that I feel like a pop culture peon!

I think I need to netflix this one and rewatch it.

I hear you are looking at Fight Club now. Did any of you see the ending coming? Were you surprized. I put up a fight for four years not to see the movie and finally succumbed to pressure from my husband who said I would love it. man. What a film.

Did any of you read the book? I would be curious to know if you thought it was harder to achieve that duality via the printed page or via film?

What's next? I need to see the films so I can keep up!